If you’re following us on LinkedIn, you may have seen our challenge to translate the length of Lord of the Rings (481,103 words) by our 40-year anniversary.
Over the past thirteen years alone, we’ve translated 24,315,641 words and our translations have been used in countries far and wide.
For those of you who are quick at the maths, that’s the equivalent to over 50 Lord of the Rings – a stack that would reach to about 10 foot tall.
Our output in the last thirteen years could also be equated to:
- 42 copies of War and Peace
- 48 Les Misérables
- 31 Bibles
- The whole Harry Potter series 23 times, or
- The whole Song of Ice and Fire series 14 times (pre-Winds of Winter 😉)
Our trusty office bookshelf is quaking at the thought!
You can only imagine how many words we’ve translated since the company started in 1983.
If you’d like to contribute to growing our word count even further, you can contact us about your translation projects big and small on +44 1562 748 778 or send us an email to [email protected]